Cordova Projects

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Movie App

The movie recommendation app allows the user to search for movies or Tv shows.The user also will be able to receive recommendation based on the user's selection.

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Reviewr App

This Cordova Android App will allow the user to take pictures and review them.

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Playr App

This Cordova audio player Android App will show a playlist of audio files that will reproduce every-time the user clicks on it or the audio reaches the end to go to the next audio.

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Findr App

This Cordova iOS App shows a map where the user can add markers and information at their chosen point on the map.

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Remembrall App

This Cordova iOS App will show a list of saved dates by the user. And for each date will pop up a local notification one week before to remind the user.

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Thumbed App

This Cordova app allows the user to record a video and generate a image from 4 thumbnails from the video.

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Webpages responsive desing

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GrrBnb App

GrrBnb is a responsive web page. Users enter the location, date and the numbers of dogs.In this project i applied basic knowledge on CSS

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Responsive Webpage

Sketch webpage where are applied the next concepts: Flexbox, @media queries, spacing, alignment, Contrast...

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Ajax Lotto

This project consist in a web app able to generate random number in a certain range and a certain amount, all this values are set by the user at the principle screen.

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